Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Trip to North Carolina i never told you about.

So a few weeks ago, my family and I went up to the North Carolina Mts. for the day to see the fall colors. What can I say, people from California who have never seen seasons, trees that actually change color is a huge deal. They were gorgeous, I admit, it was like a fairy land, that got old and died when I started getting really, really, tired. This was rectified by a nice family dinner at the Cracker Barrel. For y'all from areas of the country where they have the Cracker Barrel, good food, but I don't think they call it 'cracker' barrel for nothing if you know what I mean (all white people--no good!!). Behold--some leaves, me, and my nephew.


° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Beth, you look so sweet in that pic.
And not sweet as in Napoleon D way, but in the way I'd normally use it.
Love the jacket and the shirt.
Miss you.

Benjamin said...

somehow you've always fit perfectly in that fairyland
looking good

Jón Magnús said...

I've been to the Cracker Barrel. I don't think it's too good in all honesty.