Tuesday, November 15, 2005

anyone there?

I kind of feel like this is a superflouous blog. few people read it here and there. well, I'm also a sucky blogger, so that may have something to do with it. I realized that I do miss Capernwray, but if I went back, it would only be weird. As long as the people I shared it with weren't a part of it, the magic is lost. It would be like a ghost. I was there right in the middle of spring break when there was only a few there, and it was so bizzare, I couldn't believe it. So I miss all of you, the any of you out there who read this, I long for cocoa on Sunday nights underneath the stairs. Late night-loop walks. Getting ready before a banquet. and where in the heck is Danny? Ok Capernwray friends, I believe that it is time to put the pressure on Danny Herbst to get a blog, he may be one of the last remaining stragglers of the Torchbearer blog world.

1 comment:

Allison said...

hey ladies, the truth is that i didnt even know you had a blog, beth - i only saw the xanga. and the prob with you girl's xangas are that they have such wild backgrounds that i can't read them w/o getting a headache. :( but i do want ot keep up w/ yall....
i love you!