Thursday, October 13, 2005

Ode to Joy

May I just say how stange life is. How wonderfully, stangely, mysterious it can be. Certain joys, emotions or feelings that no one in the English language has yet put a name to, things I've never done before, but sort of, which are freakin amazing. Have you even felt like the ground didn't exist? You're kinda walking, but it's just a figment of your imagination, it's just air. A moment feels like a thousand years, but it's really only five minutes, of agony, tension then birthed into euphoria. Total freakin, what the heck happens next, euphoria. Oh the joys I've never known, and was dead scared of my entire life!


Benjamin said...

I'm glad you got a new site.
i've never actually seen "plethora" used in a sentence
and only a few time spoken in one

good job

Benjamin said...

that would be "times" not "time"

i promise..
i know how to speak english

Megs said...

oooh ooooh beth gross, I'm glad you used plethera because I used that a few weeks ago in a convo and it was amazing. great word. it's megan hazelton by the way...HI!!

Unknown said...

let me tell you, seeing you this weekend was true happiness. i miss you my nearest and dearest kindred! remember now, we're going to work on KEEPING LIANA UPDATED ON CRUCIAL EVENTS ok? i love you honey!!