So, the mono kind of subsided for a while, which was so nice. Unfortunately, when my bro and his fam came for Christmas, they were all sick with the flu (the California flu??) and got everyone in my house, including me, sick.....again. So here's round two, which will make this Christmas break just a barrel of fun and excitement. All in all, Christmas was great. The entire 18 person, soon to be 19 with my sister having another one (yeayyy!!), family all gathered around the Christmas tree on Christmas morning, sick, coughing, crying, throwing up. It was a glorious adventure let, me tell you.
I got a visit from Miss Liana before the flu came on which was wonderful to see her. I wanted to go see Ally, Josh, Liana, and Rob for a reunion, but that was no longer an option.
It thundered and lighteninged (past tense verb for lightening??) last night. I sat curled in a blanket on my back porch listening to the rain, and counting the seconds between thunder and lightening to decipher how far away it was, watching the black, silhouetted trees swaying in the wind.